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COVID-19 Update - 30th July

Any person who has visited affected locations identified by Queensland Health via their Contract Tracking page should not attend sports activities until further information on the situation comes to hand.

EVA Check In

In Stage 3, attendance information for spectators now also needs to be recorded for all hockey venues for training and competitions. Attendees involved in actual training and competitions (players and officials) will still be recorded through the competition records. As such, Hockey Queensland has purchased the QR code technology of Eva Check in, to register spectator attendance, and made this FREE for all of our clubs, Associations, and venues who chose to opt-in.

COVID-19 STAGE 3 - 3rd July 2020

Hockey Queensland has developed the Return To Play Guidelines - Stage 3 document to assist Associations, Clubs and Venue Operators to prepare a COVID Safe Plan.

Hockey Queensland Awards Week

Since we are unable to come together to celebrate our hockey heroes together, HQ proudly presented the Annual Awards awards in a special series on Facebook so everyone in our community could join in the conversation, and congratulate our winners.

Hockey Drills, Skills, and Activities

Hockey Queensland has started a collection of our favourite skills, drills, fitness, fun activities, funny videos, and more to keep you and your little ones moving and loving hockey.

Hockey Ed Coaching Course

Last weekend, a Hockey Ed event for coaches was conducted by Hockey Qld and “Astro’s Hockey” (a private provider). The first-ever joint Level 1 & Level 2 Coaching Course was conducted in Rockhampton for participants from Rockhampton & Gladstone, with 18 coaches participating in total!