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COVID-19 STAGE 3 - 3rd July 2020

Published Fri 03 Jul 2020

The Field Team Sports Industry Plan (which includes hockey) was approved Friday afternoon (3rd July) by the CHO. This is great news for hockey, as we can finally TRAIN AND PLAY HOCKEY NORMALLY!

As such, Hockey Queensland has developed the Return To Play Guidelines - Stage 3 document to assist Associations, Clubs and Venue Operators to prepare a COVID Safe Plan.

Stage 3 for hockey is based on the following principles:

  • Contact that relates to the rules of the game can take place, however social distancing must remain off-pitch.
  • Facilities will not require a cap of people however the social distancing standard of one person per four-square meters is required and mandatory record-keeping is required.
  • Facility usage can resume including canteens and opening up of change rooms, but general hygiene and cleaning practices remain.

What Does This Mean?

Main Principles:
• Contact that relates to the rules of the game can take place, however social distancing must remain off-pitch.
• Facilities will not require a cap of people however the social distancing standard of one person per four-square meters is required and mandatory record keeping is required.
• Facility usage can resume including canteens and opening up of change rooms, but general hygiene and cleaning practices remain.

1. Full contact, within the rules of hockey, is allowed on the field. Which means we can train and play as normal!
2. Where possible, you should still be social distancing – so no high fives or close huddles.
3. All off-field activities are still to strictly follow social distancing rules including staying 1.5m at all times.
4. You still need to arrive dressed, and with a full water bottle.
5. EVERYONE including spectators, parents, officials, and players MUST sign in when you arrive, and out when you leave a venue.
6. Don’t share equipment.
7. Use hand sanitiser when entering and exiting the venue and as required during your session.
8. Spitting or blowing your nose on the field will give you an automatic green card.
9. Remember to follow your venue’s signage including entry and exit points.
10. Each venue will have its own practices, so please listen to the instructions of your Association and work together!

Get In, Train, and Get Out

Use these documents to ensure you are COVIDSafe


Individual Checklist
Prepared 19th June 2020

HQ have prepared a checklist for players to use to ensure they follow the necessary guidelines to return to play.


Umpire Checklist

A practical checklist to assist Umpires perform their role in a COVID-safe manner.


Technical Official Checklist

A practical checklist to assist Technical Officials perform their role in a COVID-safe manner.



Checklist For Stage 3 Facility Managers / Venue Operators
Prepared 3rd July 2020

Stage 3 Operation Checklist 
Prepared 3rd July 2020

COVID-19 Suspected Case – Protocol
Prepared 19th June 2020

Simple 5S Document
Prepared 19th June 2020

An example of an Attendance Register

